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Legal Notice

This site is owned by SLJ Conseil, a limited liability company (SARL) with a share capital of 100.00 euros.

Head office: 805 Chemin des Cotes, 13600 Ceyreste, France

R.C.S.: Marseille 750 494 965

SIRET: 750 494 965 00015

VAT number: FR 59 750494965

Email address:

Data Hosting

Activity data, booking data, your personal data, and your billing data are hosted in France and Germany by OVH:

Personal Data Protection

CNIL declaration (receipt number): 1755319

SLJ Conseil uses your personal information for the proper processing of orders. By registering on the site, you agree to provide us with sincere and truthful information about yourself. Providing false information is contrary to these general conditions as well as the terms of use on the site.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law, the processing of your information has been declared to the National Commission for Computing and Liberties (CNIL) under receipt number 1755319. You have a permanent right of access and rectification to all data concerning you, in accordance with European texts and national laws in force (law of January 6, 1978). You can make this request to: SLJ Conseil – Customer Service – 805 Chemin des Cotes, 13600 Ceyreste, France.